He like the tune I like the tune vary easy remix so I remix

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  • Oh wow- I didn't even realize you charted! Good job :D

  • #9 this is my first song on the charts

  • like the tune

  • It's great! Just a couple suggestions though- I think you should try to work on your transitions a bit. Whatever effect you added to the bass notes made it sound kinda loud and triggered too, I feel like that should be fixed. But I gotta say I was instantly drawn to the hat pattern you added throughout the song, it gives it a nice "sprinkle" touch (if you know what I mean by that lol)

    • HAHAHA

    • I KNEW IT XD

      No wonder I wanted to keep laughing so hard, that stuff ALWAYS gets to me XDDDDDD

    • thanks, I just added a little ear rape that's all