This track required too many site refreshes and my PC doesn't have enough beef... D:

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  • I finally know what this reminds me of... highscore by teminite and panda eyes

  • Bro this is really neat!

  • This is neat, but it needs more speed. Right now it is more of a handsup track, but the lead isn't big enough to be that. Like, it sounds great, but it needs more speed to really be that Happy Hardcore/Hyper/Energetic track that the tags say it is.

    • ah, yeah. Thx. I'll take note of it for future projects

  • Opened it out of curiosity, my laptop handled it pretty well

    • Damn! That's one beefy laptop you got there! :D

  • I use macbook air. I swear it's horrible opening too big drafts.

  • Love that melody!

  • not bad