this was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

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  • Republished

    Leveling and fixed the clipping

  • Love that lead

    • thanks bro, wish i had done a bit more with the rest of it xD

  • C-

    • that's what I'd give it :)

  • is it 2012 again?

    • lol you say that because of the theme?

  • Republished

    Fed my kicks to make em fatter and chewier.

    changes to sub bass to make it a bit louder and heavier

    pattern change on the orange bassline

    Level changes

  • Republished

    Kicks fatter, mixed sub bass a little, changed bass decay to bit a little heavier sounding

  • usually it depends on the kind of kick

    if its too quiet you can't hear it

    if its a little quiet you can either raise the gain or eq it

    if its too loud and still isn't punchy and you raise the gain, it'll become too distorted or loud, or both

    • hmmm, okay, so I may need to try a few different samples. I'm gonna fiddle around a bit with it and see what I can come up with, because of course I was worried about my kicks and sub bass frequencies mixing together and sounding muddy as well

  • For the song I just made, I used travis scott Kick for the kick. I raised the gain for the kick to about 8db and that was it

  • Republished

    Vocal gain down

  • Republished

    Overall Mixing and added Bassline