Everything (minus the main drums) was performed on the Juno-Uno, baby. I just fixed some power issues on this synth and I've fallen in love with it. My goal is to take many of its iconic presets and to recreate them with the Pulv and Heis so that everyone on here can be blessed with the cheesy sounds of 80's Roland synths.

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  • fun

  • Dang it! I was hoping that you made a Roland preset with audiotool. I was gonna be so hyped to use them but still a great track made using the almighty "Juno-uno"

  • Spicy!

  • ur a god

  • NICE

    • pls bless us with the cheesy sounds of 80's Roland synths

  • how do you record audio tracks in without hearing the rest of the track?

    • damn thats a lotta work to record i appreciate the dedication

    • I leave the track looped in the background or I do a quick screen rip and put the audio on audacity. It would normally be pro tools, but I'm currently too poor to afford that license

  • I seriously love this. Post this on other platforms bro

    • It's on soundcloud and bandcamp if you want to check it out there

  • zoom zoom you should submit samples for the ATRC

  • eh dehr i dnt' thnk you sadi rolnad ounce


  • I wish I had money to collect synths like this

  • goddamn i need one of these

    • It's so nice. I gotmine forcrew cause it had a power source issue.

      Be careful if you get one cause they have battery powered ram memory that can go bad

  • this is absolutely fantastic

  • 80's Roland cheese PLEEEASE

  • EPIC