okay so i made this like a week ago and the chords were really nice to work with so i turned them into a happy? (Sci-Fi Beat) i'm becoming more experimentive...that's probably not a word with my style EXPERIMENTAL that's the word with my work, i should've just really deleted that grammer error....oh well...wait are you still reading?, wow! you really do have nothing better to do.

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  • oh wow

  • Lol, I just like to read stuff.

    • I bet these other people just didnt feel like saying anything about it.

    • haha the first person to pick up on the track description

  • that's good shit you make - i have been listening

  • But the percs

  • This is a mothafrucker dream. It's like one of those dreams I can't remember, Well shit

  • Too positive for my idea of sci-fi, but I like it. It's dreamy in a light way

    • haha it's fine, i'm not too bothered as what people interpret the genre as...just as long as they enjoy it i'm happy

    • It 's just my view on sci-fi. There are positive approaches as well so don't care what a grumpy old man is saying

    • that's it dreamy lol sorry i described sci-fi wrongly

  • real interesting man, getting those old school AT vibes from back in the day off this :)

  • neat beat

  • ayyy squad where you at

  • this is super interesting, i like it