remix it

but plz don't

re-upload it

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  • my first ever beat of me trying to only really use synths

  • nice

  • It feels kind of muddy in my opinion. The bass and the melody feel like they are having a power struggle, unless that's what you were going for. The drums are on point tho.

    • Muddy??? Means like clipping or distortion

  • i could see x on this fr

  • damn

  • you got a lot of variation in the main melody which goes a long way in giving the song movement for each new section. It's also cool that you got the layers for each percussion stacked out in the workspace. I honestly think this all work together really well (could use another stronger synth pad to distinguish the chorus and some better mixing). You always continue improving. Forreal, great work on this track! I really appreciate the honest effort you put into your work :)

  • Republished

    clip fix

  • good :D

    Can you help me with my track?

    • I mean I could but a youtube vid would help you a lot more then me an you can learn your own style of music by practicing and just messing around <3

  • thank you @Snadbrugen I wanna add a side chain to it but other then that thank you

  • not bad man

  • cool