I like trying new genres :)

The cover comes from a cricket calling song

The melodies are made out of a nonatomic range (9 notes), but I think I didn't use its full potential. Feedbacks are welcome !

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  • Love the name! I think the you balanced the medium and high frequences quite well but I'd prefer some deepness or a more prominent bass from 02:14 . I really like the synth beginning at 01:00 before the switch-up also. I'm quite clueless on whatever the f a "nonatomic range" is so ig I could just say well done, :)

    • Thanks ! I hear what you point at 02:14 , I'll see if I can do something

  • J'aime bien l'intro, on dirait presque du cyberpunk lol

    • Merci pour le feedback, j'essaierai d'appliquer ça à mes prochains sorties !

    • Comme feedback je te conseillerais d'expérimenter avec plusieurs couches de son pour donner un peu plus de corps à la chanson. But again all of this can remain subjective to each person's individual tastes :)

  • great track

  • Very cool

  • tight

  • This is so cool

    • This was epic gaming music

    • I listen to this while gaming

    • The listeners section proves me you like it, thanks :)

  • Great stuff :~)

  • This ought to chart.

  • Super sound design, encore une fois, ta compo déchire, bravo ! j'aime particulièrement les basses et les beats

    • He says he likes tomatoes as well (no)

    • You guys confuse me with your french stuff sometimes what does this say

    • Merci Batoune :)