After being such an influence to me and so many other people, and doing tribute EP's for others i thought it was time for an tribute EP to you @[offbeatninja] !!! So as of right now im going to be working on a 6 track album (2 tracks that i already have published and 4 that im working on now) Feed back throughtout the process would be most helpful to me friends, and i hope you enjoy the bumps guys! ;D

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  • Thank you sir!

  • very good remix SKULL =)

  • Thanks alot @RDz , and for the fav as well :]

  • Great remix buddy :)

  • Thanks alot friends!!! :D

  • good remix :)

  • beat fixers 2.0. could you hear this song you don't have to but if you'r not busy you can.

  • Sure friend, i always like helping out ppl that are starting out..i deff know how it feels and i still dont think im that good rly!!!-lol :/ But yea i like ur track alot man! ;]

  • Great track man I followed you too! I'm working my way up to 100 and I was wondering if you would help by following? I don't like making ppl mad but if this makes you mad I'm sorry and u don't have to follow if you don't want to Again great track it sick!

  • Im glad u like it Torn!!! :D

  • :)

  • Thanks guys, and @[offbeatninja] its good to have ur blessing in doing this deff means alot to me! N ill try and make u proud my friend!!! ;]

  • Wow thanks man , never thought someone would do a tribute for me Lol . But good job on the remix though , top notch ! :D

  • wow... that is really cool!