This is an area that can be discovered via a rift in Stage 19. It is a wild area on the edge of the Astral Plane and the Void Plane. There are harmless astral beings that are trying to escape the area. One of them explains that due to Mu Phantazein's experiments with accessing different planes, rifts in the astral plane had suddenly started to open and suck in the things around them. Mu has been patching them up, but Apnea caused some of them to reappear. One of Mu Phantazein's primary clones, Alpha Phantazein is around trying to fix things, but progress is slow.


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  • holy shit i love this jetdarc phase :DDDDD you make track back-to-back and im loving this so much man. thank you for this whole experience. :DDD

    • still, they are still dope. and over 5 months for the amount of songs you made of this quality is still impressive, i would have never been able to do it..

    • oh yeah i should probably mention that i didn't make these back to back, they were all being made over a course of almost 5 months and im just now releasing them lol

  • I swear I love Mu's theme so much, and this just added even more cherries on-top!