stay tuned, the party is just beginning, don't be late, so you enjoy more.


I hope you enjoy it.




"Be yourself, don't care about what the others think about you!

all writing can be crossed out. but what has been said only remains to add!"

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  • i learned how to do the arps <3

  • that sax is so awesome!! like you need to work on it ASAP that thing should be blasting that melody and it's just not giving me that energy level I know it has and needs. Do you understand what I mean? xD

  • you sure do love those Pulvs, dont' you? ;)

    I gotta learn how to do those arps!!!

    i like the high pitch stabs at 1:03 , but they sound like they are clipping. I haven't looked yet.

    OMG I LOVE 1:19 !!! that sax!!! keep working on that to make it louder and more realistic, you're so close!!!! I love saxophone. Fucking awesome job there.

    I also love this beat and I love those notes you have as fillers especially the ones that sound like what I'm guessing is the circle wave.