76 Followers 79 Following Joined about 9 years ago

Ceasar cipher is cool...

Note- ill follow back! when I'm back... read: hey guys im back! :D sorry I havent been uploading anything I really have a bunch of stuff to do thanks for sticking around thou it really get me on the happy side, hope to see your support :)!!!

description: 16 year old teenager, 11th grade, that spend most of his time studying and passing every class like a boss and gets little hobbies, like making music or drawing (mostly drawing).

I am "most likely to upload music on weekends."

goals for this weekend: make a really good music track even if its short.

Goals for followers-

10 followers [X]

20 followers [X]

30 FOLLOWERS! [X] cood! (it means cool and good)

40 followers!!!! [X] whoa guys!!! where reaching inpossible!! keep it up!

50 followers- [X] wHaT!!! wOhOoOoOoOoO!

60 followers- "[X] well that was quick...COOD!!

77 followers- [x]


Goals for tracks

5 tracks [X]

10 tracks [X]

20 tracks [X] wohoo!

30 tracks- impossible

50 tracks

77 tracks

100 tracks

5 favorites [X] Heisenberg solo! thanks guys!

10 favorites in one song- super impossible

50 favorites in one song

10 plays on one music track [X]

20 plays on one music track [X]

50 plays on one music track [X] why does everybody like Heisenberg solo? anyways, cood

100 play in one music track

200 plays one one music track- impossible

1000 plays in one music track

5000 plays in one music track

7777 plays in one music track- why did i even think of this number.

also... Qvzz vf n oebal

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  • Thank you for following me on Audiotool! It means a lot. You can also find me on soundcloud.com at Nemo Unforgotten. Again, thank you for the support.

    - Nemo Unforgotten

  • thanks

  • Thank you very much, good sir.

  • thanks for the idea, ill thinkabout it and it might just come out

  • deer followers: I wont be able to make music for a wile, in any case uploads will slow down unless i find a way to upload or make music, in any case I'm going to be gone on 5/12/2015 because people are gonna take away my laptop, he-he I'm kinda using a school laptop... I don't know when ill be back, but i will be back, you guys have been amazing, thanks for the support!! bye!

  • thanks for the follow

  • Thanks bro! Lets check it out

  • Thanks for following! :)

  • thanks for the follow

  • Thanks for the Follow mate!

    Hope you like the music

  • T


















  • Thx for following lol yay! XD -For real thou lol i'm an artist also

  • Hi :) Welcome to AT and thanks for the follow!