• audiotoolsummergames

CLOSED: Audiotool Summer Games | Round 6 | Jordi Moragues

  • 16
  • 35

Hey Audiotoolers,

Cal Lycus ' Recreate Sound Challenge was tough, but the results we had were really close. Props to all who participated.

Check out how Cal created this monster sound: Summer Challenge Sound Design

The winners will be announced tomorrow. The winners of the Beat for Vocals Challenge have probably already been spread around, but we will officially announce them again tomorrow.

But now, let's move on to round 6 with Jordi Moragues :

This way → https://www.audiotool.com/contest/weekly_challenge_6

Jordi challenges you to create a track with a different time signature than the usual 4/4. It can be 3/4, 5/4, or even more unconventional. The rest is up to your creativity.

Challenge Summary:

  • Create a track with a different time signature than 4/4
  • All time signatures allowed except 4/4
  • You can use any synths, drum computers, samples (within Audiotool Terms), and tools
  • All genres are welcome
  • Other usual rules apply (see Contest Page)
  • Deadline: September 25

Creator's Notes:

  • Complex meters like 7/8 will be valued higher than simple or compound meters like 3/4
  • Melodies should be composed to fit the time signature. They can't feel like 4/4 with something added afterwards, for example.

Enjoy and good luck!

Stay updated on the Summer Games Page:


And don't forget to follow us on our new social accounts:



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  • Please tel me when you re give the résult ;)


  • released my song 13 minutes before the challenge ended oh yeah

    • How it feels with all of the recent challenges lol

  • damn i totally forgot about this one

  • this one has some real quality songs coming out. The simple concept was perfect!

  • This is really easy not gonna lie I just made a whole old school hiphop j cole type beat in 9/16

  • Is non-measured music (like plain chant) allowed ? Is temps lisse (beatless) allowed ? Thx

  • Interesting observation: already 3 out of all the 7 submitted tracks so far are going to be disqualified because they missed to perform the simple act of including the time signature being used in the track title. It's funny how people smart enough to compose in odd time signatures would fail reading, understanding and following simple rules.😏

    • I agree with this. What's on the timeline is not important, but how the rhythm feels and how well the composition uses the natural accents of a particular meter. That's the whole point.

    • @kiari I see your point, and neither do I really see the point of including the time signature in the title, when 1) you could instead include it in the tags which leaves more freedom when making the title, 2) the mandatory rule of having the remix option available makes it possible to simply check the setup directly and effectively eliminates any needs for mentioning it anywhere else again, and 3) apparently perfectly fine tracks run the risk of being disqualified for something that has nothing to do with the quality of the craftmanship going into them, which I highly doubt is in line with the motivation behind the Audiotool Summer Games.

      Also, judging by the Challengers Notes §2 on the contest page—"Melodies should be composed to fit the time signature. They can't feel like 4/4 with something added afterwards, for example."—the chief concern appears not to be what time signature is actually selected in the app, but rather that it should avoid *sounding* like 4/4, and therefore as long as the track avoids this, it should not matter what time signature is selected in the app. Especially if you want to emulate multiple time signatures in the same track, which consequently—since Audiotool doesn't allow you to change time signatures mid track (AFAIK)—would result in at least one of your time signatures to not align with the grid anyway.

    3 more
  • On it

  • this challenge is particularly difficult, great is the risk of falling into pure technicality and losing sight of the melody. Great idea Jordi

  • are we allowed to change to 4/4? (5/8 to 4/4 to 5/8 for example)

  • Am I the only one who has done 7/8 ?

  • 11/9

  • was hoping for this