Here's a part 2!


The same things are going on like in part 1...

(One device, different tracks, the key of the notes are gray in the beginning/end of the region, Use these melodies however you'd like)

Note: Whatever note that's at the bottom of all of the gray notes that's the name of the key, you'll have to figure out whether it's major or minor. :)


How the melodies sound to me:

1st Melody: Morning form Peer Gynt but it's a new key and rearranged (Search it up, you'll know it when you hear it ;D)

2nd & 3rd Melody: Sounds like Cerix and Affinitii made it for some reason lmao (Both are almost the same melody but can be used differently since one is more bouncy/swingy)

4th Melody: A spoopy Egyptian cinematic/speedcore melody XD (It sounds like it's out of key but it's actually in key... It's called a melodic minor, where the last 2 notes are a half-step higher than usual, alongside the normal key notes)


@MERCURY wanted this really bad lmao...

Go check them out please!

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