The Return of "Gravistep"!!! I got done this track WAY earlier than i should've. With Hurricane Sandy keeping me inside for so long, I managed to finish this in just a couple of hours. Nevertheless, THIS...IS...AWESOME!!! XD

I present "Chronos 3"!!! The 3rd and final installment of the "CHRONOS" series. It is the only series of songs i've made that can rival with the "PRIME" series. Now when I say I put so much bass into this song, that it could completly level a continent, I AM NOT JOKING. This song brings back traditonal Gravistep, with a vengence! You guys thought you could handle the Power of Prime? Prepare yourself for the sheer Force of Chronos!!! Leave a comment on which you like better. "PRIME" or "CHRONOS"?


As I said this is the last "CHRONOS" Song that i'm doing. So with that being said, There will not be a "Chronos 4"...at ALL. And please don't go and try to make your own remix of one, thank you :]


We reach our darkest point in "SUPREME"

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