A boy ventures into a universe where all realities coexisted—where the hypothetical manifested itself as true. Destiny was had multiple personalities, and one world did not exist without it's many variations. Life and Death were merely concepts.

It was a dream of circles, a story that never ended nor began.

The boy, vexed by what was before him, could not bare what was before him. He wanted to escape, he wanted the pleasures and suffering that life and death brings— But he was trapped in this forsaken dimension; he was both alive and dead, here and there, square and round, hot and cold, existing, and nonexistent.


The boy, in awe of what was in front of him, was absorbed by the complexity of his existence and embraced his past of tomorrow.

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  • dqwfesgrdty

  • even if its old i still love it. <3

  • wow

  • downloaded

  • I love the distortion in this

  • omg <3

  • This would be better without the kick!

  • whooa I am really surprised you all caught the variations.. they were so subtle it was getting to the point the first 2 minutes or so all sounds the same to me (besides the fact I've listened to this enough to get annoyed with it xD) Thank you very much for the awesome feedback!

  • yay! great job <3

  • Offtopic: Im head deep in work atm, and i didn't have enough time write a summery for each song. I'll try get it done over the holidays, at least for all the songs that really impressed me. And i'll try to get up to date with all your great music joel :P

  • A very atmospheric track with nice attention to detail. Small interesting variations draws you in and makes you want more. It's a very straightforward track with nice clean, appealing sounds, which makes it easy to listen to. Overall nice flow/progression throughout the track keeping the listener entertained. Easy listening, quality production.

  • congrats man. Well deserved!

  • congrats dude;) really sweet sounds in this ;) you'll be entering my lil competition next year right?;)

  • Dude Didn't I like completely tell you that you would win lollll

  • Thank you everyone!!