Cover Credit:

SELCIVS: I had a lot of fun on this. It was especially nice to reconnect with Chris.

Chris: great surprice collab in an nightshift. was great fun to work on it. 3h of fun and producing :)

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  • cool

  • ok i see you

  • Love the 303. Awesome subtle percs. Great track!!!

  • You can obviously tell which synth I made LOL

  • a little bit repetitive. more mixing required, perhaps a melody or lead synth can help break things up?

    I do like the build at 01:29 tho. I get that this is house, and house can be repetitive, that being said, I do like what you did with the bassline machine as well as what sound to me like a sort of trap horn sound? neat stuff, keep it up! try running that bassline through some filters next time, give it a little bit of a different sound, eh?

  • I love the way this track builds up in intensity and chaos till the end where it gives the feeling that all that intensity and chaos "never happened" Love this!