Here is my third song on the album, "Fire the Friendship Cannon" As you already know, this is awesome, and, it already has lots of favs and plays. Thank you very much for all that! xD Please go checkout my new album, "Endless Battle"

Thank you!

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  • thx too :)

  • lol

  • Love ur music, I would love it even more if you didn't use SO MANY SAMPLES FOR THE THEME. XD

  • i went from, own sounds play too, loop mixing, too both.

  • Most of them are made mostly from my own sounds or my own syths or, Heisenberg setup. and some of them even have one loop in it and my sounds playing along with it, and my next album is basically like that,

    have one loop play, and my setups or sounds be the bass, melody, chords with it. i just got bored of making my own sounds play so, i wanted to try loop mixing. so, shh

  • have you listened to any of my old songs? lol

  • @kevv I agree, though i am not the best audiotool user by far i had a play with samples (didn't release any tracks made with samples however) I jumped straight into using synth machines and now im not too bad at it and i understand music and sound design so much more now :)

  • bruh

    Get off the samples

    Starting using synths a bit more

    It's pretty cool to have a melody or a bass sound that YOU made, you know?

    In your next track, please use a synth. Sure, it might sound crap at the beginning, but until you get better, you're really gonna understand music and sound design, and you're gonna need that.

  • eh, im not that good, not the best either, but, average :)

  • lol one more fav and this is the 2 most popular song on my profile, or channel, or popular list xD

  • Thank you! XD I do music for fun and entertainment for my friends and family, it makes me happy that other people, get happy about my music

  • I can probably do that. I have good hearing what notes are being played on instruments or sound

  • Now do this vanilla aka no outside samples :P

  • lol XD thank you very much