Forced to give by the bad and bushwacked by the supposed good on taking the rest.

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  • what did I just waste 5 minutes of my life listening to xD

  • Give credit where credit is due. This rocks. I wish I had the music around 3.00 for my last track but alas I was forced to create my own. I love what you have done here. A journey of excellent proportions. Thank you Doc for introducing me and thank you Robert for sharing.

  • nice

  • Love it too !

  • like the atmosphere...dark and dramatic...vrey nice

  • You better make sure the bad guy isn't you!

  • solid

  • loved it good one :)

  • I only have one heart for this track. I hope it doesn't want more, what with everything great that's going on inside of it. Cannibals. All of it in there... :)

  • believe it or not the kid in the track is christian bale when he was a kid

  • agreed with SBD, so bizarre, but so cool and creative!

  • your soundscapes takes me to otherside of imagination, thanks