So I enjoyed working on this (multiple times) and I think it came out... REALLY funny ngl -F.A.


lol this started out as just me being bored and I put a bunch of samples in and eventually it evolved into this I don't know how but its really funny now -Wasserkraft

_________________________________________________________the story___________________________________________________________

ok the story goes like this a man is raided by the police. after the raid the police see a add for taco bell and decide to get lunch. then Florida man runs in and screams GOD IS DEAD. the police open fire on the man. then the police are called to a heavy metal bands house were they are reports of volence. but when they open the door a man is screeming about MESOTHELIOMA then they get stuck in a time paradox with a man talking about refrigerators. so they open fire on him and then they see squid ward talking about canned bread realizing they are still in a time paradox they decide they need to end them selves but it does not work and they are launched into a universe with Shrek to torcher them for the rest of time.

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