Having a brief and uncommon lull in university work currently, so I made this :) Thanks for the template Potasmic - I kept the drums fairly similar to how they were in your draft because they sounded damn cool.

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  • Sick!

  • very clean!

  • hah! niiice :)

  • Fantastic! Hope you have more lulls in in your studies!!! :)

  • Thanks y'all :) @B0tasmic I didn't know the genre to be honest, but I had a listen to some of those songs you linked and thought they sounded pretty fun. Glad it kind of fits! @RDz ya, been so busy with uni, it's nice to visit the site again :)

  • Wow it's been a while since your last publish. Excellent work on this one!

  • Amazing! So glad you've demonstrated Fidget so well in this track! That bass is awesome!

    Also, it's @rnzr draft not mine :p

  • Republished

    Increased volume, boosted vocals

  • Oh, new Jaradodo is unexpected! This is so good it needs a 2nd listen ;)

  • Cool !

  • Hey OO, thanks! Just killing a bit of time to put off revision to be honest, hehe :P Hope you are well :)

  • The vox stabs into the build could be a tad louder just to add to impact;)

    But fuck me this is good man wow, I can see this charting fur sure

  • Wow love the percussion work so far