using more moonboy's samples

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  • Moonboy

  • feels like Aero "AHEM" let's not bring up that name

    • this comment has been overtaken by corona ight guys see ya'll

    • this comment has been overtaken by corona ight guys see ya'll

    • maybe people would leave him alone if he waited

      trust me, I'm sure if I was a massive dick to everyone and then left people would still talk about me for a few months

    7 more
  • that snapshot it tooo familiar on here xD

  • I won't do this again I promise :P

  • this is hurting me

    • Now let's get this right bass samples can be used properly like if vault were to resample the bass in it or shit or maybe not spam that Lazer

    • people would congratulate you for putting in little to no effort?

    3 more