This is song takes me to a place where i am both sad and proude. I am not an Green activist but i am active at being Green (within reason)

I am sad because I dont like it when our navy Does experiments that i feel is dangerouse to Complex life in the sea, I am sad that there are people with absolutly care less about our living and Breathing Mother "The Earth" Witch allows use to live and is the reason we are here. I am also not STupid. I know some pollution needs to take place and we cant just STOP every thing. This brings me to why i am happy.

I am very Very pleased that there are enough people out there that do care and that are making a difference to Change things for the better. beacause of people like you who are Called Extremist and Left wing Hippy tree huggers that we have started to make Huge strides moving forward, After all what is more Extreme, the fact that Some extreme groups have kinda gone over board in a few instances (no ones perfect) or that we have LOST 97% of our original Forests. how come there are not more people that are bothered by this .. For me ill Stomach the few Mistakes we make fighting to change things so that the 97 dont turn to 99 or worse 100. This is one of those cases where Every one does matter . I am happy that the Green Things are trending. And ill be happy to be one of the cool kids just doing my little part.

Track Creation :

The sound you hear is the pads. I created those in ableton :)

As well as the Gated Bell Glitch pad that comes in next

when the Drums come int ( machinist And Ableton), the Choir Synth and the moving bass are Hbs and the lead synth is Pulv Hb And ableton

My favorite synth in thsi is the HB choir that i created, I will save it as a preset for all :) . Thanks guys for listening , I think i am getting a decent grasp of DnB now

Edited the Eq IT sounded like one big giant chord in places so i took the chorus off the bass to center it and reduced the pads in places as well as balance the EQ better

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  • Those pads!<3<3<3<3

  • totally love the intro. beautiful underlying synth and amazing drop- Es ist total fantashtisch! if you like this, please check out my ambient/ DnB fusion track Ambi-theatre

  • Beautiful track.

  • ;) I'll have my mom call yours then ;) many grts!

  • i was teasing you about High notes. But Have your Funeral Direct contact my Manager ( mom ) and we can set something up lol

  • I did Like it. I even faved it a while ago. Do forward your agenda so I can plan my death ;)

  • tot you wont like this one it has high notes hehehehe

  • Want to come play at my funeral?

  • Hej sprichst du deutsch????

  • congratulations on relating dnb with recycling and hence with being green, if you know what i mean. I have something to say about the track, dnb is really a difficult genre and so you did an amazing job, but i think you could have focused a little bit more on the drums which is like the soul of dnb (thats why the name) and a bit less on the harmony and the synths. That if you wanted to make classic dnb of course!

  • I especially like the melody that starts at 2:10 , great job

  • How unfortunate for the umwelt!)

  • Awesome track! You have some EPIC sounds in here!!! DnB is quickly becoming one of my favoite genres

  • Epic feeling of an adventure DnB. Yes, the choir is amazing, finest cream!

  • epic sounds! digging this :)