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  • this is the kinda stuff I wish I could make. it's so impressive that you are able to make it sound so full and have a ton of energy it blows me away. I know this was 3 years ago but it's still insanely cool

  • How do you get it to sound so good like with high sound quality

  • how do you get the clicking noise at the beginning of some of the notes?

  • Is MaYoNnAiSe An InStRaMeNt??????

  • I love this new KSHMR style

    3 more
  • You got lucky mate Ebay computers usually have either a fuck tonne of porn (get it) or a metric fuck-tonne of porn embedded into the harddriver

  • specs?

    • 3 gigs is not enough

    • 3gb ram>

      that ain't right

    • it said custom built. I think it has a 1trb hard drive with a decent graphics card (dont know which one) and about 3gbs of ram. 3 fans for cooling, but thats it. i dont think i payed much attention to anything else

  • I NEED that drop in my life, like oh my goodness gracious <3

  • Reminds me of an EnV song lul

  • sounds like byte lol

  • A shame that it's not even a full track.

    • i never make full tracks anymore

      i do hope to start making at leats one tho in the near future :D

  • lol, i actually got a gaming computer from my friend, its an Alienware Alpha R2

  • Holy moly!

    Mah bois, this sound is what early audiotoolers strived for.

  • Pretty cool !!!