This will be hid in a week Under certain circumstances!

I loved playing with broken drafts- good practice with weird things!

2 Basses

A piano

And a Bunch of samples

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  • I'm trying to figure out what I'm looking at in the AI generated image and I cannot for the life of me.

  • Your music just keeps getting stronger and stronger... I've always believed you had the potential to go places with your music, man. Now that you've released on major platforms, I hope you get the recognition you deserve.


    • Lmfaoooo

      I Make music, work on projects

      And play alot of rocket league xDDDDDDDDDD

    • Aww, thanks haha. Means a lot dude. I hope you don't think I've forgotten about you or Alko at all, you guys are a big part of why I'm still here on AT.

      As for what I'm doing these days, I'm currently on break from college, I make some music and art and play a lot of Rocket League lmao how about you?

    1 more
  • Good music

  • that's house

  • that kick has a lot of low end

  • More grovvy the more i listen lmfaoo