A dark, vast area of ruin. Odera theorizes that the beings here may fear the presence of others MUCH more due to the traumatic experience of seeing everything around them be consumed by complete and utter annihilation, and as a result, will either hide or lash out violently. Chartreuse told you about Apnea before, but you are now witnessing for yourself the extent of the damages caused by his seemingly senseless destruction. Damage done by apnea can even be seen in the other commanders' sectors before you get to this point. This is another reminder that you and Odera will run into him eventually.


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  • bold key-changes

  • the lead with the vibrato!!!!

  • dont know what's that called, but that instrument plays in the background sounds so nice

    • sound like a lead and a melody, idfk lol

    • Whitenoise hats?

      Sawtooth bass?

      Lead melody?

      Lead chords?


      C'mon you gotta give me something to work with here