I heard a melody in the background of a video and I thought it sounded kinda cool so I tried to remake it.

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  • this is NOT lazy this is GOOD

  • the fact that your first track has charted in just 2 weeks is completely unbelievable. Well done!

  • I remixed this thingy

  • i kinda want to mix this for some reason

  • sounds like a storm drain melody lol

    • sounds like a storm drain melody lol

  • this sounds really safe and bland...

    i appreciate you mixing and mastering the track though. it seems like you have a basic knowledge of how AT works.

    • here ill just remix it and show u how I did it

    • use presets and learns how they work most presets r bad tho tbh idk why lol

    • aaaaa

      I'm lazyyy

      but I'll try to learn how to use the tools better instead of using presets. :)

    2 more
  • Nice first track! Most people's first track is some spammed notes and samples. lol

  • i like this, great job ;)

  • sounds like a storm drain melody lol

  • ahhaha nice start, gonna work on a remix hahahaha

  • Is it fine if I attempt to remix this?

  • tbh this is really not bad for a starter! ur making melodies and actually using a synthesizer. Keep on experimenting and soon you can make a full on track